Syllogistic Software Inc.

Project Portfolio

These are a few demonstration projects I've been working on since generative AI went mainstream.

They are all in early stages, and not quite ready for prime time, but each one illustrates a number of really exciting potential applications for recent AI capabilities.


AI-assisted educational content generation

Goal: Allow creatives to work side-by-side with generative AI to produce high-quality educational, entertaining content in a fraction of the time that it would take to do manually.

Technologies: Generative TextGenerative Images Generative VideoVision-Language

Models: GPTClaudeGeminiFlux ElevenLabsD-iD

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AI-assisted food identification, tracking, and advice

Goal: A virtual nutrition coach to help people automatically track their food intake, calculate macro and micronutrient consumption, and provide personalized advice on how to improve their diet.

Technologies: Generative TextVision-Language

Models: GPTGemini

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AI-powered product information

Goal: Answer the question: “How Canadian is this product?”

Technologies: Generative TextVision-Language

Models: Gemini LiteGemini Thinking

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Ice Cream

AI-assisted Emotional Brand Process

Goal: Help narrow the gap between creatives and marketers by creating a common language using images as a visual reference.

Technologies: Generative TextGenerative Images

Models: GPTGeminiFlux

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GEM: Generative Experience Manager

A framework for AI-assisted content marketing

Goal: Provide a faster, easier way to create and manage high-quality text, image, and video-based marketing content to promote brands, services, and products.

Technologies: Generative TextGenerative Images

Models: GPTGeminiClaudeFlux

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